Agronetto » Pomoć » Savjeti
How to buy with Agronetto
How to contact a seller from a different country?

After you find an interesting listing, contact the seller in any convenient way: call their phone number, send a message through the contact form or in a messenger app.

Imajte na umu da će vaša poruka automatski biti prevedena na jezik prodavca prilikom komuniciranja putem obrasca.

All sellers have experience of international sales and work with inquiries from any country and in any language.

Kako kupiti vozila ili opremu iz druge zemlje?

Odaberite odgovarajuću opremu i kontaktirajte prodavca.

Don't be afraid of asking questions!

Ask anything about the purchase, transaction processing, and shipment: the companies that sell their vehicles with Agronetto usually have experience of selling to different countries and are always ready to help you.

For shipping the vehicles or machinery to your country, you can also use third-party services.

Such companies can additionally inspect the vehicles you are purchasing at the seller's location, help with paperwork and generally assist you with the whole process of purchase, up to the moment when you receive the vehicle you bought.

You can calculate an approximate cost of the shipment directly on the page with the listing: click on the block "Need delivery?" and choose your country and city.

You can send an inquiry to a shipment company at once: their managers will contact you and help with all the details of purchase and delivery.

Prije nego što nastavite s plaćanjem, trebate se upoznati sa sigurnosnim savjetima.

Important! Agronetto website is not a party in this deal. Check all the information with the seller.

How can you quickly find a relevant offer?

Ako znate tačno šta tražite - samo unesite upit u traku za pretraživanje u zaglavlju sajta: na primjer, "DAF XF 105" ili "KOMATSU D65 2008". You can also start your search from the rubricator on the website's homepage: choose a category of vehicles and then continue to a subsection that interests you. You will see the list of all ads in this category.

Use filters on the left side to see only ads that suit you:
  • In price filter select the necessary price range;
  • "godina puštanja" će pomoći da se ukloni suviše stara oprema;
  • Pay attention to country filter if you are ready to buy vehicles only from certain regions;

Sort the ads by your most important parameter to see the best ads in the beginning of the list.

As you are looking through the ads you have found, do not hesitate to contact the sellers for more information: they are always ready to answer your questions about the vehicles or the process of purchase.

Why do you need to subscribe to ads?

After you subscribe to ads, you will receive notifications about new ads to your email address. This will help you not miss the best offers.

If your search by chosen parameters gave no results, you can also subscribe to updates to be among the first people who'll find out about the new interesting offers.

Kako kreirati pretplatu?

Ako niste pronašli odgovarajuću ponudu, sačuvajte parametre upita i kreirajte pretplatu, prethodno navodeći vaš e-mail. Čim se na portalu pojavi odgovarajuća ponuda, primićete obaviještenje poštom.

Možete se direktno pretplatiti na listu oglasa koristeći dugme “pretplatie se” Također možete kreirati pretplatu sami navodeći potrebne parametre pretraživanja.

Why does one need a spare part request and how to submit it?

Ako ne možete pronaći potrebne rezervne dijelove na portalu, koristite uslugu “naručivanje rezervnih dijelova”. Your request will be sent to all compatible sellers, who will provide you with their offers in no time.

Niste pronašli potrebne informacije? Zadajte svoj pitanje
Kako prodati na Agronetto
Kako postaviti oglas?

Kliknite na dugme “Postavite oglas” i izaberite jednu od opcija: jednokratno postavljanje ili stalna prodaja opreme.
Zatim izaberite kategoriju, dodajte opis, fotografije i video zapise, ostavite svoje kontakt podatke.
To increase the number of views, we recommend you to add a detailed description and high-resolution photos.

Da li se plaća postavljanje oglasa na Agronetto?

Ad placement with Agronetto is a paid service.
Privatno lice može postaviti jedan ili više oglasa; za kompanije imamo posebne pakete usluga po atraktivnim uslovima.

Da biste dobili detaljne savjete o izboru najboljeg paketa, ostavite zahtev i menadžer portala će Vas kontaktirati.

Kako se može platiti usluga postavljanja oglasa?

Usluge možete platiti kreditnom karticom VISA/Mastercard ili putem sistema elektronskog plaćanja: Google Pay, Visa / MasterCard (, PayPal i drugima.

Kako povećati efikasnost prodaje?

To make your sales more effective, you can use the following services:

  • Postavite oglas u Top
    Your ad will be anchored at the section's main page, above regular ads. Primjer.
  • Aktivirajte automatsko ažuriranje
    Da bi se Vaši oglasi povremeno pojavljivali na listi, aktivirajte funkciju "Automatsko ažuriranje".
    After you activate it, renewal of your ads will happen automatically, according to a schedule you set.
Kako postaviti baner?

You can learn more on how to place a banner in the section "Banner advertising". Naši dizajneri će vam pomoći da napravite maketu. Detalji

Koje su dodatne usluge?
  • Automatsko ažuriranje
    To save your time, we can automatically import (and update on a regular basis) all your Agronetto ads from a source you specify: for example, from your website or any other page with your vehicles and equipment. Your won't need to spend time on keeping your Agronetto ads up-to-date: the stock is updated automatically and you receive new inquiries from potential purchasers!
  • Ads export
    This service lets you automatically export ads to other platforms. You do not need to spend time on placing your ads on every platform! You simply add an ad at Agronetto, and it will be automatically placed on all selected platforms.
Niste pronašli potrebne informacije? Zadajte svoj pitanje